Joe Cullen

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BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — March 1, 2024

BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — March 1, 2024

This week, PA DEP posted the Slide Deck from its February 22, 2024 – Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority (PEDA) Board Meeting. - The information presented during the PEDA Board meeting inspired us to prepare the following background/update piece on BIL/IRA Green...

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BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — February 25, 2024

BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — February 25, 2024

A quick heads up on several BIL/IRA implementation events this week:   Tuesday, February 27, 2024 before 4:30PM Deadline to submit Letters of Support in response to PA DEP's Request for Information – for Reducing Industrial Sector Emissions in PA (RISE PA). This...

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BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — January 18, 2024

BIL/IRA Implementation Digest — January 18, 2024

November 21, 2023 EPA Opens $2B for Climate Justice Community Change Grants Program (see below)   December 22, 2023 EPA Announcement on Thriving Communities - $50 million for Building Capacity to Advance Environ. Justice in Thriving Communities in EP A Region 3 (DE,...

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