Natural Gas

Since the beginning of the fracking boom, economic data show that natural gas development has failed to generate prosperity—or even stave off economic decline—in the region’s largest gas-producing counties. 

Robust, lasting job and population growth will require transitioning away from gas-based models of economic development.

Photo: Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance, 2022.           

“Between 2008 and 2019, the economic output of the region’s largest gas-producing counties grew at triple the national average. Yet, the region’s share of jobs, population, and income all declined.”



Frackalachia Update: Peak Natural Gas and the Economic Implications for Appalachia

Appalachia’s largest gas-producing counties have continued their economic spiral, data show, as regional gas output begins to plateau.

Appalachia's Natural Gas Counties: Contributing More to the US Economy and Getting Less in Return

Since the start of the fracking boom, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia’s biggest gas-producing counties have seen declines in their share of jobs, income, and population.

Misplaced Faith: How Policymakers’ Belief in Natural Gas is Driving Rural Pennsylvania Into an Economic Dead End

Policymakers’ pursuit of natural gas development is failing rural Pennsylvania, economic data show.

Pennsylvania Voters Support a Serious Crackdown on Fracking Operations

Across demographics, Pennsylvania voters are deeply concerned about the health and environmental impacts of fracking and skeptical of its benefits.

Destined to Fail

An assessment of the systemic causes behind the natural gas industry’s failure to deliver economic prosperity to the 22 largest fracking counties in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

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LNG Exports Are a Rotten Deal for Appalachians

LNG Exports Are a Rotten Deal for Appalachians

In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece, former Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan decried President Biden’s recent decision to pause liquified natural gas (LNG) export authorizations. Ryan, tugging on heartstrings, claimed that LNG exports and other new avenues for...

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2023 in Review

2023 in Review

Together, a more prosperous, sustainable, and equitable Appalachia is possible. That’s the vision that has geared our data-driven research, guided our outreach and campaigns, and grounded our work in the region’s community and culture ever since the Ohio River Valley...

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The Meaning of MVP

The Meaning of MVP

  Tucked amid the Biden administration's cornucopia of climate initiatives was a poison pill: the greenlighting of the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) in Appalachia. When the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 essentially bulldozed the permitting review process for...

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