A Message from Our Executive Director It has been a long couple of weeks in what has felt like a very long year. As we process the aftermath of the 2020 election, we are preparing to meet a new presidential administration and returning to face the...
Joanne Kilgour
All research:
Election 2020: Will Pending Litigation Impact Results in Pennsylvania?
The 2020 election has taken place against the backdrop of a pandemic, a racial justice movement, and record-setting political spending--projected to total nearly $14 billion, a figure greater than the GDP of Armenia. For a culture that is used to immediate...
ORVI Elections Analysis
2020 election results and analysis for Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, and Kentucky
ORVI Insider #6: Trump Won’t Like the Results of an Economic Impact Study on Fracking
A Message from Our Executive Director Back at my desk in Pennsylvania, I have the strong sensation of being in the eye of a storm; the past few months of frenzied political campaigning and voter education have crescendoed, Election Day has arrived, and the gaze of...
ORVI Insider #5: LNG-by-Rail Transport Poses Threat of Catastrophic Explosions
The latest news and research findings from the Ohio River Valley Institute.
ORVI Insider #4: Quality of Life Investments Could Drive Prosperity in Small Cities and Towns
A Message From Our Executive Director The Ohio River Valley, like much of the country, is currently living under the nation’s microscope - we are facing scrutiny from pundits trying to predict our contribution to the outcome of the Presidential election, we are...
ORVI Insider #3: Inequality is Robbing Workers of Pay in the Ohio River Valley
The Ohio River Valley Institute aims to circulate our findings as widely as possible, making our research and messaging strategies available to all – starting with this newsletter.
ORVI Insider #2: Why an Appalachian Petrochemical Buildout Won’t Meet Expectations
The Ohio River Valley Institute aims to circulate our findings as widely as possible, making our research and messaging strategies available to all – beginning with this newsletter.
ORVI Insider #1: Introducing the Ohio River Valley Institute
The Ohio River Valley Institute aims to circulate our findings as widely as possible, making our research and messaging strategies available to all — starting with this newsletter.