Sean O'Leary

Sean O’Leary, senior researcher, energy and petrochemicals, is a native of Wheeling, WV. He has written about coal, natural gas, and their role in the economies of Appalachia in a book, a newspaper column, and blog titled, “The State of My State”. Previously, Sean served as communications director at the NW Energy Coalition in Seattle, Washington.

All research:

Lies, damned lies, and economic impact studies

Lies, damned lies, and economic impact studies

Why the economic impacts of an Appalachian petrochemical buildout won't meet expectations A 2017 economic impact study from the American Chemistry Council paints a glowing picture of jobs growth and economic development accompanying a buildout of petrochemical...

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Game Unchanged . . . But, Not Unchangeable

Game Unchanged . . . But, Not Unchangeable

How the greater Ohio Valley can awaken from its natural gas and petrochemical fever dream to an economic future that actually delivers jobs and prosperity “Game-changer” – It’s amazing the word doesn’t stick in their throats. For a decade, policymakers in Ohio,...

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Nick DeIuliis’ 9 Irrefutable Energy Truths Refuted

Nick DeIuliis’ 9 Irrefutable Energy Truths Refuted

CNX Resources Corporation CEO, Nick DeIuliis, is a veritable rock star proponent of what he calls “the natural gas economy”.  Videos of his speeches are widely shared within the Appalachian natural gas and petrochemical communities, he is frequently sought out for...

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Background brief: A letter to the governors

Background brief: A letter to the governors

On June 15, 2020 a group of seven prominent economists and policy analysts from leading universities in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia and a former Pennsylvania Secretary of Environmental Protection, wrote a public letter to the governors of the three states...

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