Petrochemicals & Plastics

Schemes to produce plastics from fracked gas have largely failed in Appalachia.
Petrochemical development hasn’t generated economic prosperity in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, research shows, and market headwinds make new buildout unlikely. Learn more about the Ohio River Valley Institute’s research on the petrochemicals industry below.
Photo: Shell’s petrochemicals complex in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. Mark Dixon, 2022
“Years ago, the oil and gas industry predicted petrochemical development would sweep across Appalachia, creating tens of thousands of jobs.
Those plans largely fizzled.”
All research on Petrochemicals & Plastics:
Game Unchanged . . . But, Not Unchangeable
How the greater Ohio Valley can awaken from its natural gas and petrochemical fever dream to an economic future that actually delivers jobs and prosperity “Game-changer” – It’s amazing the word doesn’t stick in their throats. For a decade, policymakers in Ohio,...
The Macroproblem of Microplastics
Nurdles are too small to be effectively cleaned up once they escape into the environment, yet petrochemical companies ship billions upon billions of nurdles from production sites to factories all over the world.
Top economists tell OH, PA, WV governors petrochemical boom is a non-starter
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Background brief: A letter to the governors
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Tales of the Shale Crescent Part 1: “But They Have Studies!”
Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars being spent on efforts to bring about the petrochemical boom are likely being squandered.