Sean O'Leary

Sean O’Leary, senior researcher, energy and petrochemicals, is a native of Wheeling, WV. He has written about coal, natural gas, and their role in the economies of Appalachia in a book, a newspaper column, and blog titled, “The State of My State”. Previously, Sean served as communications director at the NW Energy Coalition in Seattle, Washington.

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Renewable Energy: The New Texas Tea

Renewable Energy: The New Texas Tea

Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia should try it instead of throwing up barriers In 2009, Texas was the nation’s biggest consumer of coal for the generation of electricity. By 2019 Texas had cut its consumption of coal by a third and replaced it with . . . If you...

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Energy Independent? Not even close

Energy Independent? Not even close

The fate of Appalachia’s natural gas and petrochemical boom depends on despotic regimes, foreign companies we’ve never heard of, and OPEC In a recent speech to an oil and gas conference, CNX Resources CEO Nick DeIuliis joined many in his industry, wrapping themselves...

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