by Sean O'Leary | Aug 27, 2022 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
The recently signed Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) offers coal and gas-fired power plants as well as factories and other carbon-emitting facilities a tax credit that will pay them $85 for every metric ton of carbon they capture and sequester underground. The...
by Sean O'Leary | Jun 22, 2022 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
Finally, a reporter has asked a question that should have been asked from the beginning about the proposed Hydrogen and Carbon Capture Hub for Western Pennsylvania – What will it cost? Unfortunately, none of the people Anya Litvak interviewed could provide an answer....
by Sean O'Leary | Mar 18, 2022 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) torpedoed the Build Back Better bill because, he said, it is too costly. But the fleet of hydrogen hub projects he is now promoting for locations around the nation, one of them in the Ohio River Valley, may cost nearly as much, they will...
by Ben Hunkler | Feb 14, 2022 | Blog Posts, Clean Energy, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture, Shared Prosperity
The newly announced initiative to develop a carbon capture and hydrogen hub in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia is a gamble in the guise of opportunity. The project, announced last week by a partnership of major oil and gas companies, would deploy costly,...
by Sean O'Leary | Jan 27, 2022 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
The recent movie, “Don’t Look Up”, parodies our response to the climate crisis and, in particular, political leaders whose attitude seems to be, “Sure, we’ll all die if we don’t change . . . but can’t we do it in a way that takes care of me and my donors?” For those...
by Joanne Kilgour and Eric de Place | Dec 21, 2021 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
When President Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law, he authorized billions of dollars in new federal spending to support the development of hydrogen and carbon capture utilization and sequestration (CCUS) across the country. Although the spending...
by Sean O'Leary | Oct 7, 2021 | Hydrogen & Carbon Capture, Reports
Download report Download summary Download digital toolkit With a price tag of $100 billion/year, widespread adoption of CCUS in our electric system would spark outrage if its cost showed up in our monthly bills. But members of Congress, including some climate...
by Ben Hunkler | Oct 7, 2021 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
New Ohio River Valley Institute research finds that the broad-scale adoption of carbon capture, use, and sequestration (CCUS) would come with a price tag upwards of $100 billion dollars per year. A bevy of proposed legislation in Congress would hoist that bill on...
by Sean O'Leary | Oct 7, 2021 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
With a price tag of $100 billion/year, widespread adoption of CCUS in the electric system would spark outrage if its cost showed up in our monthly electric bills. But members of Congress, including some climate hawks, seem to be coalescing around legislation that...
by Eric de Place | Aug 16, 2021 | Blog Posts, Hydrogen & Carbon Capture
In the last few months, hydrogen has garnered serious hype across the Ohio Valley as the zero-emissions fuel of the future. But should proponents’ claims be taken at face value? Is more skepticism warranted? What is hydrogen, really, and what are its uses and...