Natural Gas
Since the beginning of the fracking boom, economic data show that natural gas development has failed to generate prosperity—or even stave off economic decline—in the region’s largest gas-producing counties.
Robust, lasting job and population growth will require transitioning away from gas-based models of economic development.
Photo: Ted Auch, FracTracker Alliance, 2022.
“Between 2008 and 2019, the economic output of the region’s largest gas-producing counties grew at triple the national average. Yet, the region’s share of jobs, population, and income all declined.”
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Lies, damned lies, and economic impact studies
Why the economic impacts of an Appalachian petrochemical buildout won't meet expectations A 2017 economic impact study from the American Chemistry Council paints a glowing picture of jobs growth and economic development accompanying a buildout of petrochemical...
Public Opinion is Moving Against Natural Gas and Fracking
Contrary to unsupported assertions from industry boosters, public opinion is trending strongly against the gas industry.